Monday, August 15, 2016

New burlesque at Genre!

A new round of Genre has begun once again. This round, the theme is Burlesque! Though I don't typically create things for this style, I was excited to get to working on it!

Of course, I have made shoes as per usual. The style is similar to what is typical to a lot of burlesque dancers. There are 6 packs available during the event. They are in my standard 24 colors, however, the event requires items to be L$100 or less, and since I typically sell single colors for L$75, I figured 4 for L$100 would be a good deal! That's buy one, get 3 for L$25!

I also decided that it was imperative that I made nipple tassels. I couldn't not do it, so I made a couple of different styles! Both come in two pallet options (dark or light, duh), and are scripted for texture change, as per usual. Colors aside, there are two different versions...static and spinning! Yup, they actually work!

And lastly, this little bonus almost didn't happen! I wanted to take pics for the above ads, against a nice backdrop with heavy looking theatre curtains, but I could not find anything that I liked. So I figured that I still had time, why not try to make some myself? So I did! And instead of letting it gather dust in my inventory, I decided to drop them out at the event as well!

It comes in at 29Li, and is fully modifiable! I have even included the AO textures, for anyone that wants to further customize the design to how they would like it! There are also 3 spotlights that are attached to the stage, that are controlled by a simple HUD!

All of these releases are materials enabled, and 100% original mesh. Please pop in and check them out!


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