There are a couple more hunts coming your way....
First up, is the Relay For Life Hope Hunt! Starts June 21st at 9am through July 4th! (BLOG)
This is the gift for that hunt.....
Also coming up is the Cinderella's Lost Slipper Hunt, running from july 1st-31st. (BLOG)
And here is the gift I will be giving for this hunt...
What else is going on with *Dilly Dolls*? many of you already know, I have a real problem when it comes to building....I can never stick with one build for more than a couple months (if even that). Well guess what, I am doing it again! But THIS time, it will effect the entire Onyx Noir sim! That's right, I am doing a COMPLETE sim rebuild! New stores for the tenant shops, as well as for Genie and me.
The buildings for Genie and I are already done for the most part, and I am now in the process of building the other sim shops. Once complete, there will be more of a feeling of originality to the sim, as well as making it easier for visitors to spot the shops when they land. I will keep you posted on when the change takes place, but I am actually taking my time for once with the build.
Also, more goingson at *DD*...I am still in the process of completely remaking my old skins. I have about 5 more sets to do which means 5 remakes, and 15 brand new skins as well!
And, I have added all previous hunt and seasonal items in the wing to the south of the body shop rooms. Well, almost all. I deleted the POE dresses from my inventory completely (sorry).
Well, busy as a bee, I must be off...back to work for me!
Later dolls!