Product permissions change?
No. I will not change the permissions on any of my items for any reason.
1. Right click on the vendor2. Choose gift
3. Say the recipient's name in main chat
4. Pay the vendor
Missing purchase?
Sometimes SL is slow. It can take up to 30min for delivery. If you cannot wait when something has not been delivered, please try the redelivery terminals BEFORE contacting me. If the item does not show in the redelivery list, check your transactions on the Second Life site, so make sure that the transaction even went through. If it has, and it has been MORE than 30min, drop me a notecard (with your transaction info in it) in the store mailbox, and I will resend the item to you asap once I confirm that the transaction has gone through on my end!
I don't like what I bought/This is not what I thought it was/I accidentally bought this....can I get my money back?

When you click "buy" or "accept" or "yes" or whatever your button shows, that is like signing the credit card slip stating that you authorize the purchase. You should always be sure before you complete a transaction. Will you be broke and still need money? Will you really wear it? Is it set to the permissions that you like? Do you already own it?
ALWAYS be sure before you make a purchase! At *Dilly Dolls*, there are NO REFUNDS! No excuses, no exceptions!
Where did you get your scripts?
Go into edit mode, and right click on one of the scripts to see the creator's name. If it lists anyone other than me, then go check out that creator's shop. You cannot get them from me. Does it list me as the creator? Then it is either a custom, or a modded freebie, and I do not give them out. Please do not ask.Do you do customs?
Nope. Not anymore. And I do not do item modifications either.Banned?
I will ban you if you feel the need to trash my store while standing in itI will ban you if you trash my friends
I will ban you if you use my store as a perverted RP area
I will ban you if you use HUDs that spam people in my store
I will ban you if you use RP HUDs that interact with other people in my store
I will ban you if you beg me for money
I will ban you if you beg my groups for money
I will ban you if you beg my shoppers for money
I will ban you if you harass me
I will ban you if you harass my customers
I will ban you if you are a copybotter
I will ban you if you are a suspected copybotter
I will ban you if you are an asshat to me
I will ban you if I don't like you
Didn't get the MM board gift?
Are you sure the board locked? If it did, click the redelivery box under the MM board. If it will not deliver to you (says you were not in the last round), drop me a notecard in the store mailbox showing the chat that told you that the board locked and you were sent the item. MUST have been within 24 hours. If you win on monday, I will NOT send you something if you ask me on friday.MM board gift sent was different from what you clicked?
I am not required to even own or use a MM board.I reserve the right to change my prizes as often as I choose.
I am not required to let anyone know before I do so.
I am not required to force delivery of the old gift, if the board has not filled.
It's a freebie, so don't complain.