I do not do recolors, but I made an exception this time, though I dont call it a recolor since I had been plotting to do more versions of this dress anyways lol...
It's Amaranth III. Yup, third generation! This time its bright and BOOOOOOLD!

This dress is currently exclusively available ONLY at Project Fur! It will be available in the main store afterwards though. But while at the event, 100% of the proceeds from this dress, as well as the rest of the items I have out, are being donated to Project Fur!
I also gots new gachas! Spring is kinda here, and the summer is on it's way, so I kinda randomly decided to toss these together. The store group voted, and there are 3 gacha machines for these, so you have a better chance to get the ones you want. All gachas are transfer only, so you can swap with friends!

Ride to *Dilly Dolls main store
Ride to Project Fur
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