First up, the Caged Heart Doll Key!
The key is available in both decorative and interactive versions. The decorative version simply spins and does not affect the dolly. The interactive version can be wound by anyone that is not the wearer (dolly). If the key winds down, the dolly will go into "lockdown", freezing them in a custom pose until the key is wound by someone. Both keys include Ori's new texture/color/size HUD. Only size and color change is enabled on the keys, which can be accessed by the wearer only, when touched or via the HUD.
Next up, Shrew Boots.
These sexy new boots come in both Dark and Light sets and are texture (8 choices!) and size change by clicking them or via a HUD.
The Shrew Boots are also available in a cuffed and Zipped style without toecap. Again both Dark and Light style sets with texture/size changes done by clicking or via a HUD.
Lastly, the greatly anticipated, Davinia dress!!!
The Davinia dress is Ori's very first sculpt only dress. (No invisiprims!!) It is texture change enabled via script, but NOT by HUD. Simply touch any part of the dress to change the texture of the top, corset or skirt independently or all at once. The "metals" can only be changed independently. Please Note: this dress is ONLY viewer 2 enabled and includes a custom AO that must be worn for the dress to function correctly.

Remember, these items are ONLY at Horrorfest! So come on out to the event,, pick up some killer items for a great cause and say hi while you're there. I'll be working the event as a greeter and showing off some of the fabulous things you can find there.
Bloody kisses,
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